Hemingway once said “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
My take is that there is everything to LaTeX: all I have to do is sit down at my computer and make the magic happen.
My name is Elio A. Farina and I’m a LaTeX programmer.
I met LaTeX in 2000 and it was love at first sight. I use LaTeX for everything in my life when I have to deal with typesetting and design, and since 2015 programming in LaTeX has been my only job. I’ve collaborated and I’m still collaborating with various individuals and organisations around the world to turn their dreams into realities. Well, at least their LaTeX dreams!
LaTeX is not just typesetting your dissertation because your advisor said so and it doesn’t have to be painful. It is about coding and most of my jobs involves creative problem solving and LaTeX integration with several other programming experiences. And macro naming.
If you need LaTeX help for whatever are your reasons, I’m here for you!
E-mail: [email protected]
LinkedIn Upwork
“Elio is a LaTeX wiz” (client’s feedback on Upwork)